Just for Kids

  • Homemade Popcorn

    Popcorn is one of my all-time favorite snacks! Popcorn is a whole grain and good source of fiber. Snacking on popcorn can physically and mentally satisfy the toughest craving. Feeling a little hungry but not too hungry for a meal? Popcorn! Or maybe you want to munch on something after dinner, but you are physically […]

  • Homemade Cherry Sorbet

    Enjoy this simple two-ingredient dessert that will satisfy your sweet tooth and provide a nutrient boost!  The star of this simple recipe is frozen dark sweet cherries! Cherries boast many health benefits. Cherries are high in antioxidants and antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce diseases.   Cherries provide many health benefits.  – Rich in […]

  • Kids Make! Veggie Pasta Salad Shakers

    These fun veggie pasta salad shakers are a perfect way to get kids involved in the kitchen! Let them pick out their favorite vegetables and add them to a jar, creating a colorful, nutritious base. Then, they can mix in their favorite type of pasta for an extra boost of goodness. It’s a simple, customizable […]

  • Kids Make! Pizza Pockets

    These easy pizza pockets are a hit with kids! Using frozen dough, let them roll it out and fill it with their favorite toppings. My daughter was thrilled to make these all by herself, proudly announcing at the dinner table, “I made dinner!” She was so excited, and the meal tasted even better because she […]

  • Try New Foods! & Coloring Sheet

    Just for Kids! Do you like to try new foods?  Can trying new foods sometimes be a little scary?  And that is okay, new foods with different textures or appearances can make us a little uneasy.  Have you ever tried a new food and you were surprised you enjoyed it?  Sometimes, we surprise ourselves and […]