Just for Kids

  • Homemade Cherry Sorbet

    Enjoy this simple two-ingredient dessert that will satisfy your sweet tooth and provide a nutrient boost!  The star of this simple recipe is frozen dark sweet cherries! Cherries boast many health benefits. Cherries are high in antioxidants and antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce diseases.   Cherries provide many health benefits.  – Rich in […]

  • Kids Make! Veggie Pasta Salad Shakers

    Back To Homepage Just for Kids! Lunch Ideas Keeping food fun is key when keeping kids interested and entertained in the kitchen. That is exactly what these veggie pasta salad shakers can do for you and your kiddos! We add a variety of chopped vegetables with a simple bottled dressing (or feel free to make […]

  • Kids Make! Pizza Pockets

    Back To Homepage Just for Kids! Getting your kids in the kitchen can be a fun way to get them excited about trying new foods.  Yes, anything with kids, food and kitchen tools can be a bit stressful but let’s keep food extremely simple. These easy pizza pockets are made with frozen dough rolls.  Kids […]